Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ha! ... AND need some FREE Christmas cards?!!!!

Just popped over and am laughing that I haven't posted since July...thought I'd be so good about posting since I had begun when Ruby was newly born (she's now 10 months old and the last post she was 6 months old)...so wish I was better about it. Its not for a lack of perusing the internet world...uugg.. *conviction*...really want to be a better blogger and a worse timewaster...

anyway, thanks to info from katie at becauseiliketotalk.blogspot.com , I will be getting 50 free holiday cards from shutterfly....and if you are a blogger, so can you! Just go here and fill out the information....shutterfly is simply trying to spread the word about many of their new designs...many many to choose from. Personally, I like this one and this one.
I also think that these make WONDERFUL gifts for grandparents for ANY occasion!

love those Christmas cards I get in the mail every year....believe it or not, I have begun to keep them...have a large box with all of your mugs on your holiday cards. If you take the time to make one and put our name on it, its going to stay with me for a while! I treasure it. Thank you!

Promise to blog more and catch you up! I have lots going on...homeschooling, cooking and baking all of the time to provide nutrient dense food for my family, learning to sew and hope to begin photography too! God is just filling me to the rim of overflowing with excitement and opportunity to learn new things that enhance my role as a wife, mother and homemaker. I am so thrilled that I have embraced it! Wow, He knows best.

Now...just to add blogging to the list so that I can keep record and maybe inspire someone else...or just keep you from making the mistakes I make...because that is pretty likely.

Get your free holiday cards on girls....maybe you can send more out because of this....and don't forget me!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

5 year old in the house!!!

We celebrated our Henry's 5th birthday in June...the 14th....wow! Just like we all say, its flown by. What a remarkable kid he is. Loving, sincere, honest, dependable, fun-loving, silly, INQUSITIVE, and thoughtful are all words I'd use to describe him. I am amazed at the difference a year makes in a child and what they are capable of and are ready for. He's become much more adventurous this year and has really built his confidence in trying new things. He's more thoughtful than one just to jump in and try it...and that's ok! I see him as the voice of reason for his younger brother! God has blessed us with an amazingly, loving little boy that we are doing our best to train into a man who will love Him. I am so grateful that Henry has a heart that is responsive and already has a love for the Lord. When I think of my hopes and dreams for him, there are many, but the greatest is that he have a wonderfully real, exciting, adventurous relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ....all else will be handed to him, if he seeks first the kingdom of God.
How many hours did I rock this sweet tiny baby in my arms? How many times have I kissed his sweet face? How many times have I hugged his precious frame? How many times have I sung to him his special Henry song? The Lord only knows and I have enjoyed every single moment of it.
When I think of my life before him and how it has changed, I am amazed...My Jesus is who has changed me and my Henry was a catalyst for most of it. Children that you love do that to you, don't they? They make me search for what is real and what is lasting. Thank you Jesus for giving up your life, that I may have an abundant life NOW, here on this earth, with my husband, my children and my family and friends. I am so grateful.

In this first pic, I asked him to show me how excited he was for his birthday party that day....pretty excited, I'd say.
We had a rocket ship themed party...with rocket ship shaped invitations, jet packs, rocket shaped birthday cake, alien crafts and even an outer space room! Brent worked so hard on our basement, turning it into outer space. He built a rocket ship, hung stars from the ceiling, hung white streamers and put up black lights everwhere, so that it would all glow in the dark! The kids had a blast!!!!

Jet packs...so cute!

Here he is with many of his friends....

rocketship cake that was DELICIOUS.... Alison helped me make it!

I love having birthday parties...a focused day on each of the kids once a year isn't too indulgent and what great memories it builds. Each of their actual birth days were such a blessing to our family and we want to celebrate that!! HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY HENRY!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

musings, by henry

well...I have a million and would probably have 10 million if I had written them all down...which my mom told me to do...of funny things that Henry has said. Why didn't I listen to my mother?!! Just wanted to share a couple of recent ones here. Henry is a funny, thoughtful guy and has somewhat of a flare for the dramatic. I don't have a clue where he gets that from (wink, wink).

He told my sister recently, with a very serious tone, "I have something serious and very true to tell you" and then he swung his arm in front of himself like someone on THE PRICE IS RIGHT, to direct our attention where he wanted us to look, and said "Tupelo ate all of the food off the table!" Yes, our dog had eaten all of the food off of the kitchen table. I fixed our plates and went out to get everyone from outside...when I came back in, the dog was almost on the table, finishing off the last plate! I was so angry at that dog!

Then the other morning we were eating breakfast...yogurt with granola and bluberries -yum, and he sneezed. "Mommy, I have have something SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny to tell you. I had yogurt in my mouth and I 'bless youed' and it came out of my nose when I 'bless youed'!" I love that he calls sneezing 'bless youing' and he has started this whole description thing when he wants to tell us something. He also must say to me one thousand times a day.."mommy, I need to tell you something"..and my reply, all one thousand times is "I am listening..."

More to come under the heading of 'musings, by henry'. I may even play catch up and plug some in as I remember...Mom, I wish I had listened to you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

4 month old ruby

Here she is, Miss Ruby...Rubes, Peanut, Peanut Butter, Beans....all the names we call her in a day. She is already 4months old and almost 5! She has had an eventful month as she's learned so many things!
She's learned to 'gurgle' and it's her favorite sound! She sounds like the 'Wookie' from Star Wars (chewbacca)...I have NO IDEA how to spell that)...its quite funny.
She also has begun reaching for her toys and playing with them. She is putting them in her mouth now and is chewing on anything that she can get...our fingers included. She can even put her pappy (pacifier) in her own mouth!
Miss Ruby is also trying to roll over...she can get almost all the way over, its just that her arm keeps getting in the way! Its very frustrating!

She's is still up a couple of times at night, but we are working on that! We'll get there...I just keep encouraging her!

She is still in love with her two big brothers and I am delighted with the attention they give to her. Henry calls himself her 'tector' (protector) and Harry loves to share her toys. they both love to make her laugh and she just squeals with delight! Gosh, I just feel so blessed! We love you peanut butter.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

ruby 3 months

My sweet baby girl is already in her third month of life here on this earth. She is such a blessing and we are having the most fun with her. In fact, Henry said yesterday that he wanted another Ruby! We shall see...

She is such a good baby. She just smiles so easily and is going to be a talker! She coos all the time and is becoming a talented bubble blower.

She's still in our room with us, ending up most of the time in our bed. We have a beautiful bassinet that she is supposed to sleep in and she does for her naps. I am trying to get her in there at night as well, but sometimes I just fall asleep while I am feeding her. It doesn't bother me if they all get in our bed, but I absolutely do sleep more soundly if the kids are in their own beds. It'll happen one day... no hurry. Everyone always starts out in their own beds, but many nights, we end up with more bed partners than we started with.
Back to Ruby...she's spending more time on her tummy and can hold her head up quite well and for a while. She doesn't love it, but that's ok. She's had some time in her exersaucer with a blanket propping her up and that has been helpful when I am trying to get supper done or laundry folded. She's also begun just this week to play with her toys...she has a bouncy seat that she sits in upstairs and she began to reach for the toys hanging down...and she did the same thing on her floor gym. It's very exciting! oh! She's also found her feet...she loves lifting them up and kicking them around. so cute!

She still isn't sleeping through the night and this week is up every 3 hours again to eat. I am beginning to better get her on a schedule during the day with 2 naps, so hopefully, that will help her sleep longer at night.

So, I took her 3 months photos as you can see...only about 300 or so. GOT TO EDIT!
happy 3 month birthday Ruby!

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I was thumbing through my recent photos and came across this one of my nephew Owen. His full name is William Ray Owen Hancock, named after our awesome Uncle Billy. I just love this photo. He was playing in the balloons that we had for my mom's 60th birthday party and he was having a blast. He is a funny little guy with the sweetest raspy voice. His eyes have the prettiest shape and just make me melt. He just turned 2 in April and although we missed his party, we thought of him many times that day. I know he had a riot at his Mickey Mouse themed birthday party.

Its amazing to see our family expanding...exponentially. I love my family. They are the most important people to me. All of them.

Happy Birthday Owen. Uncle Brent, Aunt Cameron, Henry, Harry and Ruby love you bunches!
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Monday, May 3, 2010


Well, its been a busy month! So much so that in trying to find a family picture taken of us this month...there weren't any. So, I ran across this one....its one of my favorite from our wedding pics...a little staged, but I love our reflection in the water...and we did celebrate 7 years together this month.
April has come and gone and I still am wondering what happened to New Year's Day! I mean,
the saying "the older you get, the faster it goes", is SO TRUE! Its been a great month, just a fast one. Brent has been very busy this month. He's traveled a couple of times for meetings and was gone for almost a week for one of those meetings. He's had some late nights preparing for some of those meetings as well, but is satisfied that his preparation paid off. All is well there. He's also had lots of fun getting his boat ready for the fishing season. He's counting down the days. Seriously, yesterday he said "28 more days until I can get my boat in the water"...I have never seen anyone love fishing like he does. He's made a permanent storage box and covered it with outdoor carpet, he has made holders for all of his umpteen (I think that's a southern word for 'one million') fishing rods, so that they can 'be ready to go and I can just grab them!' He's had a ball using the circular saw, hammer, glue, drill, etc....he's really been digging into his design this month more than ever!
The boys are doing well too. Henry has taken on more responsibilities at home. He's in charge of feeding our dog, Tupelo and letting him outside in the morning. He also helps me set the table, when I remember to ask him to do so. Sometimes, I forget! He loves being responsible and even tells me when "my responsibilities are done!" Harry is talking more and more...I am no longer "ommy", but "mommy"...he's saying "down" "to get out of his chair. Eat, puppy, nana, baby and Jesus are all new ones this month. He still dances everywhere he goes and keeps us all laughing.
Ruby is well,...not sleeping through the night. She's almost 4 months old and I for sure thought we'd be there by now. She has done it, but nothing is consistent. I've really learned to let it go and not to make an idol out of a perfect sleeping schedule for her. It would be nice, but we still function. I know that it will come eventually like it did with Harry...just hope its before 18months of age!
We had some very dear friends visit us from Wisconsin...Yvette, Bella and John Michael. Bella and Henry were so happy to see each other and Yvette and I were as well. They were here the week that Brent was gone, so it worked out well! I wasn't alone for a week and Brent didn't have to be engrossed in all things girly! We had a wonderful time and were all thoroughly worn out when they left!
I am keeping busy as well with lots. I love my life as a wife and mom and am embracing all things 'wifey and mothery'...another post soon to elaborate on that. I've been very deliberately planning and journaling my days and duties as a wife and mommy and am loving the process. Its really helping me to 'get it done' and to not waste so much time! I am so great at that! are you? I hope I'm not alone!
As we look ahead to May, I am excited to start some unit studies with Henry and Harry, to get together with neighbors...outside and to continue to find ways to simplify our lives.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Seven years ago today, I married. I married the man that I dreamed of. The man who would love me forever. Not because I am an amazing wife who fulfills his every need, but because he made that commitment to me and to God.

Today, I feel like the most blessed girl in all the land, because "I have found the one my soul loves"...Song of Solomon 3:4. I have found the one that God himself chose for me long before we were ever born.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11. I feel so blessed and I long for others to feel the same way.

God has grown our marriage. He has helped each of us die to ourselves to put the other first. We still stumble with this, but we know that with God's grace and mercy, we dig deep and love as He has loved us. I pray that He will continue to make our marriage holy so that we may experience more of what He intended marriage to be when He joined Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. I pray that He will protect our marriage and show us ways to honor, respect and love one another so that we may be excellent examples for our children.

We know that God created marriage between a man and a woman. He wanted to give us an earthly picture of the great love that Christ has for His church...His followers. We can only get a glimpse of that love here on earth and I pray that our marriage is a glimpse of that love for those whom we come into contact with.

I want so badly to be the wife that Brent dreamed of and to fulfill his every desire. I know that because I am a fallen woman, I can not. I am so grateful that Brent is a follower of Christ and that he is tender and forgiving with me and my fumbles as his wife.

As I learn what it is that God intended as He designed me as a woman, being the wife that I was intended to be is easier. God's way is best...He's God. Its so simple, its hard to believe. I am amazed at His design for marriage and I am so grateful that He gave Adam his Eve.

I am humbled that Brent chose me as his wife...out of all the girls out there, he chose me. He is a wonderful husband whom I respect greatly. His commitment to me I do not take lightly as I know it is something to be treasured. I do not want to take it for granted, nor abuse it. I know that by keeping my eyes focused on my Jesus, my marriage will be strengthened. That is want I want.

Brent is a loving, compassionate father and he is a crazy good provider for our family. As I see him grow into the man God is making him, I am in awe. I can't wait to know this man after 50 years of marriage...I'll be 79 and he'll be 76. I hope we get to experience that. What a celebration that will be.

Thank you for an amazing seven years, Brent. Thank you for Henry, Harry and Ruby. You are the love of my life. I truly do feel lucky. But I know that luck has had nothing to do with it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2 year portraits

We got a new camera in December. I LOVE it. Its a DSLR and it takes great pictures. I love pictures and have spent a small fortune having portraits done, ordering them, framing them, putting them in albums...you know, all that goes along with photographing your life. I can say that now I am just mostly digitally storing them and though I do miss thumbing through albums, but there is no way that I could keep that up. The shear volume of photographs would push us into the streets.

With the new camera, came a compromise. With the exception of special family photographs, we are now going to do our own photo shoots. I by no means am a professional photographer, but I have to say that this camera makes me much better than I was! Its been quite fun playing photographer and I am learning some things as I go. It would be fun to take a class and maybe I will!
I did take my sister in laws engagement photos and they turned out great. It does help that I had beautiful people to photograph and they were willing to participate! The morning that I took their photos, I prayed that God would let my camera capture what it is they have together. He delivered and honored my request. They are beautiful. Here is an example...
I've been playing around with editing the photos I take as well and that is so much fun. However, I can't figure out how to get the edited photos onto this blog! Still have some learning to do. So, until I do I'll just have to post the original unedited. Wanted to share some of the ones from Harry's 2 year portraits...we took these on a walking path by our house. I love them. I took over one hundred, but only shared a few....count your blessings!

nc visit

We had an amazing visit to NC recently. We went down to introduce Ruby to our extended families and to give my mom a surprise birthday party. We were there for about 3 weeks and it still never seems long enough. We are so blessed to have families that love to host us for so long and who love being with us. At least they act like it!
We got to attend an engagement party for my beautiful sister in law and her fiance, Shane. It was so much fun to be there and to be a part of the celebration. We are so thrilled for them as they begin their life together. The wedding is in August and we CAN NOT WAIT! Brent couldn't be with us, and I know he wanted to be, badly! That's the hardest part of living away. Not being there for many big and little events in the lives of our families. Birthday parties,, engagements, family barbecues...and the little things to. Soccer games, school plays, baby sitting opportunities for my nephews...how we miss out!
Here, Poppa is fishing with all of his boys...it was the day after mama's birthday party and we were just hanging out by the lake at their house. The kids loved getting that special time with Poppa, but I think he enjoyed it the most.
These boys love each other like you wouldn't believe. Henry adores Hunter and it is evident in the way he follows him around. He mentions Hunter almost everyday, wondering what he might be doing. Its so sweet. When people ask how old Henry is, his reply is this " I am 4, but my cousin is 6." They get along so well and love to be together.

Harry and Owen will play together too. However, they really just follow their big brothers' around! They both just turned 2, and are only 2 weeks apart! Its so funny how similar their personalities are...funny, mischievous, tender and energetic. They are a sight together. I see years of fun ahead for those two.

Ruby of course enjoyed her trip to NC too. So much of our families made special trips over to meet her. She is one loved little girl...and the first little girl born to my side in 18 years! We had 8 little boys in a row!

Hunter and Owen were very sweet to her and Owen in particular couldn't get enough of her. He loved holding her and thought her "toes" were the best. He has the SWEETEST little voice and I love to hear him talk.

Here I am with my brother, JP, and sister in law, Tara. I just want to take a minute and PRAISE GOD for them and for the work He has done in our lives. He is a God of new beginnings, of reversal of destinies and the One who works it all out! They are so precious to me and I love them and so glad that we are in the same family! They love those two boys of theirs more than life itself and I just love seeing that love play out in their daily lives.

They are SO BUSY! JP works an ever changing, demanding schedule that keeps his internal clock working overtime! I don't know how he keeps up! But he does and is always ready and willing to step up wherever something needs to be done. Tara is SUPERMOM! She is a teacher at the local church preschool and is very good at what she does. The kids and parents ADORE her. I know this, because I see them post it on her Facebook page every day! She also coaches soccer and baseball, is the go to babysitter for many friends, party host, and I think she's even about to start playing ball herself! Talk about energy! I look forward to when we get to spend more time together.

Posted by PicasaHere is the entire Hancock family...Traders included. We had a wonderful time celebrating moms' 60th birthday. We think she was pretty surprised. Surely, she had some idea that we were doing something, but didn't know the details. She'll never tell. So many of her friends and family came to celebrate her life and it was a blessing to us all. Family came that we've not seen in years and I think that meant the most of all.
Thanks to our hosts and for all of the help that we had while we were there. Brent is so good to us and while I know he misses us like crazy while we are there, he knows how important it is to me that our kids spend time with our families. Its important to him too since he pays for us to go!
Can't wait to be there again, visiting and making memories.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

our funny man turns 2!

Here he is...the funny guy, the life of the party, the one who can turn any situation into a fun one. He just cracks us up. He knows he's funny too. He tries to make us laugh and I love that about him. I can see him being the one to cheer his friends up, the one who can laugh at himself and make others comfortable...

I am taking a cue from Beth Moore and starting birthday letters to my children. I will keep those private and include them in their baby books. I hope that I can convey all to them that they mean to me at each year in their lives. I pray that it will be a blessing to them in their adult years to know how much they were treasured as children.

We celebrated Harry's 2nd birthday at home with 3 of his friends...Keegan and Caroline Dosek and Steven Joseph. The theme of the party was Mickey Mouse, of course, and they had a blast! We themed the party around a mickey book we have about having a picnic with your friends. We had the same menu as in the book....mouska dogs (nitrate/nitrate fee, of course!) , corn on the cob, fruit salad, cake and ice cream!

We brought all of our mickey mouse toys, books, blankets and stuffed animals down to the party and had fun mickey ears for all the kids to wear. In true fashion, they wore them for about 2minutes and then were on to better things...like chasing each other around with light sabers. I love how boys play!

For his birthday, we gave him a new guitar so that he, henry and daddy all have their own for their sessions of guitar hero. He love it and dances the whole time he's playing it. In fact, Harry dances EVERYTIME he hears music. A commercial, the radio, even the rhythm of the breast pump sends him into a routine. I tell ya, he's a riot! He also got some new books and lots of bubble blowing paraphernalia.

It was a fun, low key easy birthday party. Thanks to Brent for cooking all of the food and even sending plates home with our guests! What a dad. Happy 2nd Birthday Harry! You are truly a blessing to our family and a lover of life! Can't wait to see what God has in store for you!

Ruby's 2nd month

Ha! Well, since Ruby is now 3months old, it seems fitting that I should do her 2month old post! Hey...I am getting it done and I want to have it documented! I so wish I was the blogger like so many of my friends, but hence...I am not. I shall try and do my best.

Ruby is a wonderful baby and she is doing very well in her 2 months of life here on earth. She is definitely into a routine as far as eating goes and still likes to partake every 3 hours or so. Every once in a while she would push it to 4 hours. She started smiling at 6 weeks and she does the cutest thing! When she first sees you and is about to smile, she kind of squeezes her eyes shut and then opens them with the biggest smile. It just melts my heart! It's her own little wink! Her brothers are still captivated by her and I am so blessed by that. I hope it continues.
here, she's just done her wink and smile...
here, holding hands with grammy...
and here, in my arms...I love this picture...and I love you, ruby!

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Monday, April 12, 2010


We had a wonderful Easter Sunday this year. I love Easter...probably even more than Christmas. I love that it is the celebration of the most amazing thing that has ever happened in the entire universe. I love that in His providence, God placed it on the calendar at the time of year when things are coming to life again on earth...the grass is beginning to grow, new leaves are appearing on the trees and flowers are budding like crazy. It isn't lost on me that the season of new life (spring) is accutely timed around Easter.

I am so grateful for my new life in Christ and that my old life has passed away. I am a new creation in Christ and my heavenly Father is making me more like Him every day...what a miracle that is!

We woke up early Sunday morning and got dressed even before we came downstairs...an attempt to be ready for church before we got into the Easter baskets, and it worked. We all

made it downstairs at the same time to dig into the loot. We don't do much in the way of Easter baskets. The boys know that they come from us, not the Easter Bunny. Yes, we do Santa...and I have to be honest, it is hard for me!

Have you seen the advertisement for the toothpaste holder that sticks to your mirror? Well, Henry has wanted that silly thing since the first time he saw it. He eyed it one day in Target and thought it was the best thing ever...well, that is what he got in his basket along with some chocoloate shaped race cars and some gum and other junk. Harry, our performer, got a new microphone that make his voice echo and also the chocolateand gum.. Ruby of course got a new purple sun dress!

We also had a neighborhood egg hunt, which was lots of fun. It was so nice to be outside enjoying time with the people in our hood. The weather is warming!
I hope that your Easter was a wonderful reminder of the new life that is possible with Jesus as your Savior.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Valentine's Day

Well, I'm just trying to catch up on some things here...so, a Valentine's Day post! We decided to do a treasure hunt for the boys. Valentine's Day is pretty silly, but we just use it as a way to teach about love and how we should always let others know that they are loved and also that we should treat one another with love.

Brent was the artist and drew clues for the boys to follow...we hid them in the stroller, the freezer, the dryer, on his fish tank and in a bureau.

They had so much fun searching for the clues...more fun than even getting the treat. Henry just wanted to do the hunt again. We gave them each a gummy dinosaur and as you can see Henry was completely thrilled...not! Harry, who of course will eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING was all too happy to dig into his.

It was a nice day...we made daddy a valentine and mommy got a box of her favorite candy...Turtles! YUM!!! He knows the way to sweeten me up!