My sweet baby girl is already in her third month of life
She is such a good baby. She just smiles so easily and is going to be a talker! She coos all the time and is becoming a talented bubble blower.
She's still in our room with us, ending up most of the time in our bed. We have a beautiful bassinet that she is supposed to sleep in and she does for her naps. I am trying to get her in there at night as well, but sometimes I just fall asleep while I am feeding her. It doesn't bother me if they all get in our bed, but I absolutely do sleep more soundly if the kids are in their own beds. It'll happen one day... no hurry. Everyone always starts out in their own beds, but many nights, we end up with more bed partners than we started with.
Back to Ruby...she's spending more time on her tummy and can hold her head up quite well and for a while. She doesn't love it, but that's ok. She's had some time in her exersaucer with a blanket propping her up and that has been helpful when I am trying to get supper done or laundry folded. She's also begun just this week to play with her toys...she has a bouncy seat that she sits in upstairs and she began to reach for the toys hanging down...and she did the same thing on her floor gym. It's very exciting! oh! She's also found her feet...she loves lifting them up and kicking them around. so cute!
She still isn't sleeping through the night and this week is up every 3 hours again to eat. I am beginning to better get her on a schedule during the day with 2 naps, so hopefully, that will help her sleep longer at night.
So, I took her 3 months photos as you can see...only about 300 or so. GOT TO EDIT!
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