Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I was thumbing through my recent photos and came across this one of my nephew Owen. His full name is William Ray Owen Hancock, named after our awesome Uncle Billy. I just love this photo. He was playing in the balloons that we had for my mom's 60th birthday party and he was having a blast. He is a funny little guy with the sweetest raspy voice. His eyes have the prettiest shape and just make me melt. He just turned 2 in April and although we missed his party, we thought of him many times that day. I know he had a riot at his Mickey Mouse themed birthday party.

Its amazing to see our family expanding...exponentially. I love my family. They are the most important people to me. All of them.

Happy Birthday Owen. Uncle Brent, Aunt Cameron, Henry, Harry and Ruby love you bunches!
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1 comment:

  1. I can't believe my baby is 2. I think that depresses me more than myself turning 30 this year! Tara
