Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ruby's 2nd month

Ha! Well, since Ruby is now 3months old, it seems fitting that I should do her 2month old post! Hey...I am getting it done and I want to have it documented! I so wish I was the blogger like so many of my friends, but hence...I am not. I shall try and do my best.

Ruby is a wonderful baby and she is doing very well in her 2 months of life here on earth. She is definitely into a routine as far as eating goes and still likes to partake every 3 hours or so. Every once in a while she would push it to 4 hours. She started smiling at 6 weeks and she does the cutest thing! When she first sees you and is about to smile, she kind of squeezes her eyes shut and then opens them with the biggest smile. It just melts my heart! It's her own little wink! Her brothers are still captivated by her and I am so blessed by that. I hope it continues.
here, she's just done her wink and smile...
here, holding hands with grammy...
and here, in my arms...I love this picture...and I love you, ruby!

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1 comment:

  1. That black and white picture is just PRECIOUS!! I'll have to try to remember to do a baby picture in a tutu like that--cute idea!
