Monday, April 26, 2010


Seven years ago today, I married. I married the man that I dreamed of. The man who would love me forever. Not because I am an amazing wife who fulfills his every need, but because he made that commitment to me and to God.

Today, I feel like the most blessed girl in all the land, because "I have found the one my soul loves"...Song of Solomon 3:4. I have found the one that God himself chose for me long before we were ever born.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11. I feel so blessed and I long for others to feel the same way.

God has grown our marriage. He has helped each of us die to ourselves to put the other first. We still stumble with this, but we know that with God's grace and mercy, we dig deep and love as He has loved us. I pray that He will continue to make our marriage holy so that we may experience more of what He intended marriage to be when He joined Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. I pray that He will protect our marriage and show us ways to honor, respect and love one another so that we may be excellent examples for our children.

We know that God created marriage between a man and a woman. He wanted to give us an earthly picture of the great love that Christ has for His church...His followers. We can only get a glimpse of that love here on earth and I pray that our marriage is a glimpse of that love for those whom we come into contact with.

I want so badly to be the wife that Brent dreamed of and to fulfill his every desire. I know that because I am a fallen woman, I can not. I am so grateful that Brent is a follower of Christ and that he is tender and forgiving with me and my fumbles as his wife.

As I learn what it is that God intended as He designed me as a woman, being the wife that I was intended to be is easier. God's way is best...He's God. Its so simple, its hard to believe. I am amazed at His design for marriage and I am so grateful that He gave Adam his Eve.

I am humbled that Brent chose me as his wife...out of all the girls out there, he chose me. He is a wonderful husband whom I respect greatly. His commitment to me I do not take lightly as I know it is something to be treasured. I do not want to take it for granted, nor abuse it. I know that by keeping my eyes focused on my Jesus, my marriage will be strengthened. That is want I want.

Brent is a loving, compassionate father and he is a crazy good provider for our family. As I see him grow into the man God is making him, I am in awe. I can't wait to know this man after 50 years of marriage...I'll be 79 and he'll be 76. I hope we get to experience that. What a celebration that will be.

Thank you for an amazing seven years, Brent. Thank you for Henry, Harry and Ruby. You are the love of my life. I truly do feel lucky. But I know that luck has had nothing to do with it.

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