Thursday, May 6, 2010

ruby 3 months

My sweet baby girl is already in her third month of life here on this earth. She is such a blessing and we are having the most fun with her. In fact, Henry said yesterday that he wanted another Ruby! We shall see...

She is such a good baby. She just smiles so easily and is going to be a talker! She coos all the time and is becoming a talented bubble blower.

She's still in our room with us, ending up most of the time in our bed. We have a beautiful bassinet that she is supposed to sleep in and she does for her naps. I am trying to get her in there at night as well, but sometimes I just fall asleep while I am feeding her. It doesn't bother me if they all get in our bed, but I absolutely do sleep more soundly if the kids are in their own beds. It'll happen one day... no hurry. Everyone always starts out in their own beds, but many nights, we end up with more bed partners than we started with.
Back to Ruby...she's spending more time on her tummy and can hold her head up quite well and for a while. She doesn't love it, but that's ok. She's had some time in her exersaucer with a blanket propping her up and that has been helpful when I am trying to get supper done or laundry folded. She's also begun just this week to play with her toys...she has a bouncy seat that she sits in upstairs and she began to reach for the toys hanging down...and she did the same thing on her floor gym. It's very exciting! oh! She's also found her feet...she loves lifting them up and kicking them around. so cute!

She still isn't sleeping through the night and this week is up every 3 hours again to eat. I am beginning to better get her on a schedule during the day with 2 naps, so hopefully, that will help her sleep longer at night.

So, I took her 3 months photos as you can see...only about 300 or so. GOT TO EDIT!
happy 3 month birthday Ruby!

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I was thumbing through my recent photos and came across this one of my nephew Owen. His full name is William Ray Owen Hancock, named after our awesome Uncle Billy. I just love this photo. He was playing in the balloons that we had for my mom's 60th birthday party and he was having a blast. He is a funny little guy with the sweetest raspy voice. His eyes have the prettiest shape and just make me melt. He just turned 2 in April and although we missed his party, we thought of him many times that day. I know he had a riot at his Mickey Mouse themed birthday party.

Its amazing to see our family expanding...exponentially. I love my family. They are the most important people to me. All of them.

Happy Birthday Owen. Uncle Brent, Aunt Cameron, Henry, Harry and Ruby love you bunches!
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Monday, May 3, 2010


Well, its been a busy month! So much so that in trying to find a family picture taken of us this month...there weren't any. So, I ran across this one....its one of my favorite from our wedding pics...a little staged, but I love our reflection in the water...and we did celebrate 7 years together this month.
April has come and gone and I still am wondering what happened to New Year's Day! I mean,
the saying "the older you get, the faster it goes", is SO TRUE! Its been a great month, just a fast one. Brent has been very busy this month. He's traveled a couple of times for meetings and was gone for almost a week for one of those meetings. He's had some late nights preparing for some of those meetings as well, but is satisfied that his preparation paid off. All is well there. He's also had lots of fun getting his boat ready for the fishing season. He's counting down the days. Seriously, yesterday he said "28 more days until I can get my boat in the water"...I have never seen anyone love fishing like he does. He's made a permanent storage box and covered it with outdoor carpet, he has made holders for all of his umpteen (I think that's a southern word for 'one million') fishing rods, so that they can 'be ready to go and I can just grab them!' He's had a ball using the circular saw, hammer, glue, drill, etc....he's really been digging into his design this month more than ever!
The boys are doing well too. Henry has taken on more responsibilities at home. He's in charge of feeding our dog, Tupelo and letting him outside in the morning. He also helps me set the table, when I remember to ask him to do so. Sometimes, I forget! He loves being responsible and even tells me when "my responsibilities are done!" Harry is talking more and more...I am no longer "ommy", but "mommy"...he's saying "down" "to get out of his chair. Eat, puppy, nana, baby and Jesus are all new ones this month. He still dances everywhere he goes and keeps us all laughing.
Ruby is well,...not sleeping through the night. She's almost 4 months old and I for sure thought we'd be there by now. She has done it, but nothing is consistent. I've really learned to let it go and not to make an idol out of a perfect sleeping schedule for her. It would be nice, but we still function. I know that it will come eventually like it did with Harry...just hope its before 18months of age!
We had some very dear friends visit us from Wisconsin...Yvette, Bella and John Michael. Bella and Henry were so happy to see each other and Yvette and I were as well. They were here the week that Brent was gone, so it worked out well! I wasn't alone for a week and Brent didn't have to be engrossed in all things girly! We had a wonderful time and were all thoroughly worn out when they left!
I am keeping busy as well with lots. I love my life as a wife and mom and am embracing all things 'wifey and mothery'...another post soon to elaborate on that. I've been very deliberately planning and journaling my days and duties as a wife and mommy and am loving the process. Its really helping me to 'get it done' and to not waste so much time! I am so great at that! are you? I hope I'm not alone!
As we look ahead to May, I am excited to start some unit studies with Henry and Harry, to get together with neighbors...outside and to continue to find ways to simplify our lives.