Thursday, July 1, 2010

5 year old in the house!!!

We celebrated our Henry's 5th birthday in June...the! Just like we all say, its flown by. What a remarkable kid he is. Loving, sincere, honest, dependable, fun-loving, silly, INQUSITIVE, and thoughtful are all words I'd use to describe him. I am amazed at the difference a year makes in a child and what they are capable of and are ready for. He's become much more adventurous this year and has really built his confidence in trying new things. He's more thoughtful than one just to jump in and try it...and that's ok! I see him as the voice of reason for his younger brother! God has blessed us with an amazingly, loving little boy that we are doing our best to train into a man who will love Him. I am so grateful that Henry has a heart that is responsive and already has a love for the Lord. When I think of my hopes and dreams for him, there are many, but the greatest is that he have a wonderfully real, exciting, adventurous relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ....all else will be handed to him, if he seeks first the kingdom of God.
How many hours did I rock this sweet tiny baby in my arms? How many times have I kissed his sweet face? How many times have I hugged his precious frame? How many times have I sung to him his special Henry song? The Lord only knows and I have enjoyed every single moment of it.
When I think of my life before him and how it has changed, I am amazed...My Jesus is who has changed me and my Henry was a catalyst for most of it. Children that you love do that to you, don't they? They make me search for what is real and what is lasting. Thank you Jesus for giving up your life, that I may have an abundant life NOW, here on this earth, with my husband, my children and my family and friends. I am so grateful.

In this first pic, I asked him to show me how excited he was for his birthday party that day....pretty excited, I'd say.
We had a rocket ship themed party...with rocket ship shaped invitations, jet packs, rocket shaped birthday cake, alien crafts and even an outer space room! Brent worked so hard on our basement, turning it into outer space. He built a rocket ship, hung stars from the ceiling, hung white streamers and put up black lights everwhere, so that it would all glow in the dark! The kids had a blast!!!!

Jet cute!

Here he is with many of his friends....

rocketship cake that was DELICIOUS.... Alison helped me make it!

I love having birthday parties...a focused day on each of the kids once a year isn't too indulgent and what great memories it builds. Each of their actual birth days were such a blessing to our family and we want to celebrate that!! HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY HENRY!

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