Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ha! ... AND need some FREE Christmas cards?!!!!

Just popped over and am laughing that I haven't posted since July...thought I'd be so good about posting since I had begun when Ruby was newly born (she's now 10 months old and the last post she was 6 months old)...so wish I was better about it. Its not for a lack of perusing the internet world...uugg.. *conviction*...really want to be a better blogger and a worse timewaster...

anyway, thanks to info from katie at becauseiliketotalk.blogspot.com , I will be getting 50 free holiday cards from shutterfly....and if you are a blogger, so can you! Just go here and fill out the information....shutterfly is simply trying to spread the word about many of their new designs...many many to choose from. Personally, I like this one and this one.
I also think that these make WONDERFUL gifts for grandparents for ANY occasion!

love those Christmas cards I get in the mail every year....believe it or not, I have begun to keep them...have a large box with all of your mugs on your holiday cards. If you take the time to make one and put our name on it, its going to stay with me for a while! I treasure it. Thank you!

Promise to blog more and catch you up! I have lots going on...homeschooling, cooking and baking all of the time to provide nutrient dense food for my family, learning to sew and hope to begin photography too! God is just filling me to the rim of overflowing with excitement and opportunity to learn new things that enhance my role as a wife, mother and homemaker. I am so thrilled that I have embraced it! Wow, He knows best.

Now...just to add blogging to the list so that I can keep record and maybe inspire someone else...or just keep you from making the mistakes I make...because that is pretty likely.

Get your free holiday cards on girls....maybe you can send more out because of this....and don't forget me!