Sunday, May 10, 2009


One of my favorite things to eat is chips and salsa...I could eat it everyday. In the summer, I LOVE to make my own fresh salsa and pico di gallo, from tomatoes and cilantro that I grow myself. But sometimes, I just don't have the time! So, I have found a way to make any jarred salsa from the grocery taste almost as fresh as right from the garden. You may like it seems to always be a hit when I make it.

So, grab a jar of any salsa. You'll also need cilantro, lime juice and minced garlic. I just add all of the ingredients together in a food processor and push blend. We like A LOT of cilantro, so I add more than some people might. I don't use any set amounts, I just add some of all at first, and then taste it to see what I need more of. The cilantro and lime juice give it the freshness that we love so much. I urge to to make a big batch, because it will go FAST!
