Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Valentine's Day

Well, I'm just trying to catch up on some things here...so, a Valentine's Day post! We decided to do a treasure hunt for the boys. Valentine's Day is pretty silly, but we just use it as a way to teach about love and how we should always let others know that they are loved and also that we should treat one another with love.

Brent was the artist and drew clues for the boys to follow...we hid them in the stroller, the freezer, the dryer, on his fish tank and in a bureau.

They had so much fun searching for the clues...more fun than even getting the treat. Henry just wanted to do the hunt again. We gave them each a gummy dinosaur and as you can see Henry was completely thrilled...not! Harry, who of course will eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING was all too happy to dig into his.

It was a nice day...we made daddy a valentine and mommy got a box of her favorite candy...Turtles! YUM!!! He knows the way to sweeten me up!