We had a wonderful Easter Sunday this year. I love Easter...probably even more than Christmas. I love that it is the celebration of the most amazing thing that has ever happened in the entire universe. I love that in His providence, God placed it on the calendar at the time of year when things are coming to life again on earth...the grass is beginning to grow, new leaves are appearing on the trees and flowers are budding like crazy. It isn't lost on me that the season of new life (spring) is accutely timed around Easter.
I am so grateful for my new life in Christ and that my old life has passed away. I am a new creation in Christ and my heavenly Father is making me more like Him every day...what a miracle that is!
We woke up early Sunday morning and got dressed even before we came downstairs...an attempt to be ready for church before we got into the Easter baskets, and it worked. We all
made it downstairs at the same time to dig into the loot. We don't do much in the way of Easter baskets. The boys know that they come from us, not the Easter Bunny. Yes, we do Santa...and I have to be honest, it is hard for me!
Have you seen the advertisement for the toothpaste holder that sticks to your mirror? Well, Henry has wanted that silly thing since the first time he saw it. He eyed it one day in Target and thought it was the best thing ever...well, that is what he got in his basket along with some chocoloate shaped race cars and some gum and other junk. Harry, our performer, got a new microphone that make his voice echo and also the chocolateand gum.. Ruby of course got a new purple sun dress!
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