Saturday, December 13, 2008

My man!

My man! I chose this picture, because if Brent could do anything he wanted to do, he would fish! He loves to be outdoors on the water searching after the big catch. He's a great fisherman and it amazes me how much of a craft there is to being good at it. He loves to go with others, but I think his favorite times fishing are early in the morning when its just he and his prey out in the silent reflection of a new day.

How I love this man. Everyday gets better and better. I love that he wants to be the man that God created him to be and that he listens to what his heavenly Father wants for our family. His ability to provide and care for our family inspires me and I never feel like he doesn't put us first in his life. He's more than I knew I was getting on our wedding day and I feel honored that God chose him as my husband. I want to be the wife of his dreams!


This is the sweet Harrison...we call him Harry. He's 8 months old and is an angel! He loves his mommy and gives me kisses constantly. He is enamoured with his big brother and is delighted by anything Henry does to entertain him. He loves to flap his arms..yes, like a bird.. and we tell him all the time that he's going to fly away! Its too cute. He's gotten his first tooth, which he doesn't use because he still will NOT eat ANY food!


My precious Henry. What a sweet heart this one has and he amazes me with his ability to melt mine. He is so caring and can't tell me enough..."mommy?...I wub you.." He loves, and I mean LOVES to play with cars and trucks and trains! He gets the best rough and tough voice when he talks about them..."wuk at dat big truck mommy!" He has always been able to entertain himself and has an incredible imagination. He loves to learn and is always asking questions! He never has enough information!
He is a wonderful big brother and is always helping me in any way he can. He loves to make Harry laugh and to give him kisses.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Finally, I've gotten it together!

Oh, how happy I am to be here blogging! I've been thinking about it for a while now, and have been encouraged by many of you to begin sharing my thoughts and our lives so that we can be kept up with! I am sure that I will become addicted, as this is such an easy way to journal. I hope that you'll enjoy checking in on us and that you'll find my posts sincere. I'll post little bits here and there on things happening around our home and in our lives. I'll also be sharing my thoughts on anything and everything I am, you may get more than you bargained for!

One reason that its taken me so long to get started, is that I felt I wanted the perfect title for our family's blog. I wanted it to be be a reflection of our life and of my walk with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As I prayed about it and searched His Word for an answer, my God gave one to me. How perfect He is! "East to West" says it our moves over the last 3 years have taken us across this wonderful country and also as a reminder of some scripture that has been so REDEEMING for me! (It's also one of my favorite songs from Casting Crowns!) "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us" Psalm 103:12 You see, when you come to know Jesus Christ, as the perfect Son of God, and you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that He came to die on the cross for your sins and was raised TO LIFE again by God, so that you may come to live in eternity with Him, He promises to cast your sins away. You are seen as PERFECT by our Father God! He tells us that He casts the sin as far as the east is from the west...that's a long way away! Take a look at a map...the east and west can NEVER meet. You can live in freedom from guilt, from shame, from bad choices, from mistakes...AND... all of that freedom, He, your loving Father who loves you so perfectly, wants for you. Will you accept it? It's free. You DO nothing... I'd love to tell you more. I hope and pray that the Lord will use this blog and my tiny attempt to tell of Him to bring even one more into the family of God. Thank you Lord for the opportunity!

So, here we are. I look forward to your comments! As I figure this out and am mentored by other more seasoned bloggers, the site will get better and better! Welcome to our life...