Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, my love. I am so grateful and honored to call you mine for the past 6 years! You are amazing. You are honest, hardworking, strong, passionate, committed, fun, loving, playful, honorable...I could go on and on! You are such a wonderful husband and as your wife, I feel treasured. As the mother of your children, I am mesmerized by your acts as a father. There is nothing you will not do for me or for our boys. They are so blessed to have such a hands on father who cares about what they do daily. Who wants to be there for them daily. Who would rather be at home with us than anywhere else in the world.

I am not always respectful or the best helper, but I want to be. It is what God has designed me to be. I am not your equal and I do not want to be. I want to be right where God designed me to be...serving you, helping you become the man He created you to be. As I continue to learn more about my design and as God makes me into a Godly wife, I pray that you will be blessed. Thank you for your patience in this area!

We have had an amazing 6 years of marriage...6 moves to 6 different states, two beautiful boys and a life filled to running over with blessings from our God! I praise Him for you and for the strength of our marriage. I pray for protection of our marriage and for many more years to enjoy one another. I am excited to see where He will have us in 10 years....geographically as well as spiritually.

Thank you for loving me in spite of myself! You are a patient man!

I love you with all of my heart and I respect you more than you could EVER EVEN IMAGINE.

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1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I hope you are able to get out and celebrate (we're overdue--ours was the end of March!)
