Sunday, August 30, 2009


Well, most of you know that we're expecting our third child. We are so excited, but I do have to admit that I am starting to get a little nervous. Our second, Harry is a handful! He is so much fun and cracks us up daily, but boy, does he need attention! He is much less 'content' than Henry was at his age and definitely prefers to be up in the middle of it all! It's so much fun to see the difference in their personalities and know that those differences were designed exactly by God himself! I am exicted to continue to see who God will make them to be as they grow in a relationship with Him. What peace it brings me to know that HE knows the future He has in store for give them hope and a future!

So, we are gearing up to have a tiny baby in the house again, sometime in Janurary. I love new tiny due date is January 8th based on early ultrasound, but I typically deliever late! So, I am thankful that I feel well most of the time. I have heard horror stories and I have truly been blessed with bareable pregnancies. I love being pregnant. It's probably when I feel most special. I don't think that I'll ever choose to say "this is our last pregnancy"...I can not imagine not feeling a baby kick again. Now, we'll see how I feel after this 3rd one comes! Those of you with 3 or more babies were probably thinking just that!

I am around 22 weeks pregnant and we had our ultrasound about 2 weeks ago. It is always so much fun to do that! We decided that we would not find out the sex of this baby during the ultrasound, which is not what we have done in the past. We couldn't wait to find out with the boys, but this time, something felt differently. Atleast for me. Brent was so funny...he wanted to find out, even trying to talk me into it while the Tech was doing the ultrasound. I am so grateful that he really was ok with waiting...he was just testing me I think! I am a planner and like to have 'all the info' I can, so for me to not know is a big deal!

Because I am 35, the risk of certain chromosomal issues goes up. We chose to have a quad screen done, which checks for certain risks. It really is a test to see "who should be offered an amnioscentesis"...I didn't really realize that and since I wouldn't do that anyway, there really was no need for us to do the quad screen. However, we did have an increased risk for having a baby with Down's Syndrome. The only way to know 'for sure' is to have an amnio...not doing that.

We did have a level 2 ultrasound. I don't know if that's because of our increased risk (from the test) or simply because of my age. That doesn't matter, but it was a really great ultrasound! We got to see so much! Everything looks 'normal' to the doctors, but I already knew that everything would look exactly as it was supposed to look, for my God placed that precious baby there exactly as he or she should be. I am so grateful for the peace that Jesus gave to me concerning this baby. It doesn't matter the 'labels' that could possibly be given to our child, I KNOW that my Father in heaven, knew this baby before He knit him in my womb. He knows every hair on his head and He knows the future that is planned for this baby! I love knowing that because He knows my future and the plans He has for me, for hope and a future, that I can handle anything...because He will be there with me. I rest in His sovereignty on a minute by minute basis.
I can not wait to meet this little one, who will probably end of with an "H" name! Any ideas? I love traditional names...ones with a past. Henry and Harry are both family names, and we will definitely have a family name somewhere...first or middle, but it doesn't matter which! We've been told some doozies....hortense...? I hope they were kidding...ha ha ha.

Well, left you with a 3-d pic of our new addition. Can't wait to tell you more in January!


  1. So happy for you! I'm glad you're feeling well. I understand the feeling of being nervous...I was VERY nervous about adding #3, but it wasn't as hard as I had built it up to be. :-) God gives you the strength for what you need. As for an H name, our oldest starts with an H if you need a girl name! We love it, and she loves her name, too. :-)

  2. Precious ultra sound pictures!! I am sure everything is just great with Baby Trader!! Love you guys!

  3. Hinny I think would be a great name!!! :-) I am so happy for you and Brent, and I hope that I will be calling you really soon with news on my 3rd!!!!!!
